The Canning Revolution

The canning revolution has arrived at Glen Affric Brewery! This week we took delivery of our brand new canning line and we couldn’t be more excited to get it fired up and fill cans with our delicious beer for you guys to enjoy.

From the very beginning of Glen Affric’s journey we knew we wanted to jump straight into cans instead of bottles. We’re obsessed with beer quality and as It’s one of the best way to preserve beer and keep it as fresh as possible, it was a no-brainer for us.

We get asked a lot about by our customers why we’re such big advocates for cans over the more traditional bottle, to say the list of reasons is too long is an understatement! So we’re going to do a separate blog post outlining some of the main reasons why we love our little aluminium friends so much.


For those curious beer nerds out there, we went with a newer entrant into the craft canning line world, UK based Micro Can. They have been taking the UK brewing industry by storm in the last year with their amazingly compact, yet efficient and versatile canning lines.

We spent a long time looking at the various canning line options as we wanted the highest quality we could get, whilst also being able to minimise downtime when things inevitably don’t go to plan. Thankfully, the Micro Can has both of those points well covered as it is engineered to a tee in the UK and downtime will be at an absolute minimum with their remote login system and as they’d based in Bolton, they’re little over an hour away from us if we need a spare!

We hope you’re as excited about our canning line as we are! The whole team is looking forward to getting the machine fired up and get our beers out to you guys as soon as possible.


Why We Chose Cans Over Bottles


“Why Are You called Glen Affric brewery?”